Class Tweet

The details of a single tweet.


  • Tweet



bookmarkCount: number

The number of bookmarks of a tweet.

createdAt: string

The date and time of creation of the tweet, in UTC string format.

entities: TweetEntities

Additional tweet entities like urls, mentions, etc.

fullText: string

The full text content of the tweet.

id: string

The rest id of the tweet.

lang: string

The language in which the tweet is written.

likeCount: number

The number of likes of the tweet.

media?: TweetMedia[]

The urls of the media contents of the tweet (if any).

quoteCount: number

The number of quotes of the tweet.

quoted?: Tweet

The tweet which is quoted in the tweet.

replyCount: number

The number of replies to the tweet.

replyTo?: string

The rest id of the tweet to which the tweet is a reply.

retweetCount: number

The number of retweets of the tweet.

retweetedTweet?: Tweet

The tweet which is retweeted in this tweet (if any).

tweetBy: User

The details of the user who made the tweet.

viewCount: number

The number of views of a tweet.


  • Extract and deserialize the original quoted tweet from the given raw tweet.


    • tweet: ITweet

      The raw tweet.

    Returns undefined | Tweet

    • The deserialized original quoted tweet.
  • Extract and deserialize the original retweeted tweet from the given raw tweet.


    • tweet: ITweet

      The raw tweet.

    Returns undefined | Tweet

    • The deserialized original retweeted tweet.
  • Internal

    Extracts and deserializes the list of tweets from the given raw response data.


    • response: {}

      The raw response data.

      Returns Tweet[]

      The deserialized list of tweets.

    • Internal

      Extracts and deserializes a single target tweet from the given raw response data.


      • response: {}

        The raw response data.

        • id: string

          The id of the target tweet.

        Returns undefined | Tweet

        The target deserialized tweet.

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