Class User

The details of a single user.


  • User



createdAt: string

The creation date of user's account.

description?: string

The user's description.

followersCount: number

The number of followers of the user.

followingsCount: number

The number of following of the user.

fullName: string

The full name of the user.

id: string

The rest id of the user.

isVerified: boolean

Whether the account is verified or not.

likeCount: number

The number of tweets liked by the user.

location?: string

The location of user as provided by user.

pinnedTweet?: string

The rest id of the tweet pinned in the user's profile.

profileBanner?: string

The url of the profile banner image.

profileImage: string

The url of the profile image.

statusesCount: number

The number of tweets made by the user.

userName: string

The username/screenname of the user.


  • Internal

    Extracts and deserializes the list of users from the given raw response data.


    • response: {}

      The raw response data.

      Returns User[]

      The deserialized list of users.

    • Internal

      Extracts and deserializes a single target user from the given raw response data.


      • response: {}

        The raw response data.

        Returns undefined | User

        The target deserialized user.

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